Here they are:
Mmmm. There is about 40 grams there, which should do 8 entrees. They are for dinner on Tuesday - Truffle pasta entree followed by something. Until then, the truffles are in a big jar with my eggs - apparently the truffle infuses the egg or something. I'll see how that works out.
They were very reasonable - I only spent $50 what with them being the last truffles and the truffle blokes wanted to pack up and leave. Normally 40g would cost about $100 so I'm feeling extremely pleased about that. The smell grows on you.
While I was transferring stuff from my Camera to the laptop, I came across a picture of my dinner from weeks back. I wonder why I photographed it? I really need to cook this again, it was dead good. It is John Dory fillets and scallops with a champagne sauce and asparagus. Here he is:
I need to go marinate my lamb now in his lemon and garlic and whatever. The thing is I'm hungry now and what I really feel like is icecream, but that would be evil and wrong.
Food. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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